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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    Curious -> google "AxxSolder" -> click around
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    I think in practice you can drive the cartridge BLUE-RED OR GREEN-BLUE. It does probably not matter much. My motivation to choose to drive the heater BLUE-RED is: Acording to what I think I see in my cross section this is directly over the heating coil. Seems good. Acording to the schematics...
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    Becuase mechatronics is my hobby/work and I am curious. I use JBC stations at work and it irritates me that they are so expensive while I think i can do better. Perfect opportunity for a project in my opinion!
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    Indeed in the connector to the T210 handle there is a blue jump wire between two pins. Similar jump wire can be found in eg. T115 but between different pins.
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    I used a belt sander (600 grit) to slowly grind away half while cooling with water and then finished off by hand with 800,1500 and 2000 grit sandpaper on a block!
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    OK, got you. Indeed, in theory the resistance GREEN-BLUE should be slightly larger than BLUE-RED.. How is it to measure a thermocouple resistance with a 4-wire resistance meter? Does the measurement get influeneced by the TC? I guess it depends on the internal current source of the resistance...
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    I agree that your measurements are correct. I get similar result. But I think the conclusion that only the heater is between GREEN-BLUE and only the TC is between GREEN-RED like the figure below is wrong. Instead I suggest this (below) configuration. Your measurements fits this configuration as...
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    I have not faced any problems with my soldering setup. But I think that if a user uses a floating SMPS there could be problems with not grounding the tip properly. Idealy the user should be able to use any type power source and have the possibility to ground the tip (Connect to Protective...
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    Thanks! In this post there is a PDF of a reverse engineered JBC CD-2BC. There you can see how the original connects to the cartridge. This schematic seem to correlate to the...
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    Thanks, I see. making self is a big part of the fun! Didn't know you could not source that MCU, I did a quick search, is this not availible in turkey ? Ok its more than...
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    JBC kartuş detayı, kontrol devresi ve detaylı açıklaması

    Nice to see that you are discussing my project AxxSolder here! And sorry for not writing in Turkish. Just wanted to say that I believe that what claims regarding the C245 pinout can seem correct if you measure the thermocouple voltage while externally heating the tip, as well as...

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Merhabalar :)
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Prooffy wrote on semih_s's profile.
Merhaba, sizden DSO2C10 hakkında bilgi rica ettim. Yanıtlarsanız sevinirim...
Unal wrote on taydin's profile.
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