Thanks, I see. making self is a big part of the fun!Nice to see you here. I really liked your project. But because the mcu you chose is not available locally and also for fun of it I will make my own.
About the contacts: While measuring resistance betweein contacts it seems like TC and the heater contacts are different than what you claim. But upon further thinking, it can be because of higher resistance of the meterial used for contacts (nessesarily dissimilar meterials maybe). What do you think? Is this the case?
Didn't know you could not source that MCU, I did a quick search, is this not availible in turkey ?
Ok its more than just the MCU, but it seems availible?
Exactly which resistance measurement did you find differ from the internal component layout i suggested?
I'm interested in getting this right once and for all, there are so many different explanations online..