Dogan abi bazen, olcmek istedigimiz nokta da DC olceriz ya diyelim 5V, ama ayni noktada AC olctugumuz zamanda 1V ac gorulebilir. DC+AC olcen cihazlar ayni anda oradaki hem DC yi hem de AC yi gosterebiliyor. Bazi cihazlar, osiloskop gibi olanlar bunu offsetlernmis AC gibi gosterebiliyor. Asagidakinde yesil dalga offsetlenmis AC.
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Resim kaynak:
What does it mean when an AC voltage has no DC offset?
Answer (1 of 3): It means the average voltage is zero. An AC voltage is usually a sine wave. It goes up and down. If the peak high ia 1 volt and the lowest voltage is —1 volt. Then the average is 0 volts. If you added a 1 volt DC offset to the same wave the highest voltage would be 2 volts and
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